Hip Flexor Information.
Hip flexor information: An anatomical description.
The hip flexor is a group of muscles that allow you to lift your knees and bend them at the waist.
Deep in the abdominal cavity, they are some of the strongest muscles in the body.
You put a lot of stress on your hip flexors when you sprint or kick.
When you do specific sports , martial artists, long jump, high jump and most atheltics, you can be prone to hip flexor injuries. Hip flexor injuries are Generally felt in the lower back and the upper groin region.
The group of muscles that form the hip flexors bring the legs and trunk together and allow for a flexible though firm connection and. These muscles allow you to move your leg or knee upwards to the core and you can bend the torso forward at the hip.
Below we have listed the muscles forming the hip flexors:
- psoas major and minor
- iliacus
- rectus femoris
- pectineus
- sartorius
Functions of Hip flexor muscles:
Flexion= contraction = holding or pulling toward eachother
When a muscle contracts, it draws the endpoints towards eachother,in the case of a hip flexor muscle the pelvis and hip bones. Bedcause the hip flexorsconnect spine, hip, pelvis and hip bone, They creaste a strong and stable foundation for the upper body. They draw together the bones of the leg and the bones of the hip or spine at the hip joint. If the hip is already flexed, such as when you are sitting, these muscles aren’t working. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to having weak and tight hip flexors as they are always in the shortened position. They need to get a tretch or workout when you walk or move. Simple exercises such as raising your leg to climb stairs, run, or ride a bicycle. Below on the hip flexor information page we discuss the specific muscle anatomy of the hip flexor.
Psoas Major Muscle
The psoas muscle is hidden deep in the pelvis and connects the spine to the leg. In fact, it is the only muscle that connects these. It runs from your lower back through the pelvis, passing to the front of the hip where it connects to the top of the thigh bone (or Femur).
Iliacus Muscle
The Iliacus is a flat, triangular muscle, which also lies deep within in the pelvis. It attaches from the pelvis to the thigh bone (femur). Its primary action is to flex and rotate the thigh.
Rectus Femoris Muscle
This muscle is one of the four quadriceps muscles, attaching the pelvis to the patellar tendon of the knee.
Squats and lunges exercise the rectus femoris.
Learn More About the Rectus Femoris
Pectineus Muscle
The pectineus muscle is a flat, quadrangular muscle that lies at the top inner thigh. It is primarily responsible for hip flexion, but it also adducts and rotates the thigh.
Sartorius Muscle
The sartorius muscle is a long thin muscle that runs down the length of the thigh from the pelvis to the knee. It is the longest muscle in the human body and helps flex the knee and leg.
Hip Flexor Injuries
You can strain or tear one or more of your hip flexors with sudden movements such as changing directions while running or kicking. Sports and athletic activities where this is likely to occur include running, football, soccer, martial arts, and hockey. In everyday life you can strain a hip flexor when you slip and fall or make a sudden change in direction. The chief symptom of a strained or torn hip flexor is pain in the area at the front of your hip where it meets your thigh. With a tear, it may be hard to walk and you may need to use crutches as it heals.
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